How You Can Help
You can donate directly to SASH through our Square Store. We also accept doantions of good and services for silent auctions and drawings held throuhgout the year. These donations are tax deducatible. We will send you a letter to this effect following any significant contribution. We appreaciate your generosity!
Qualified Charitable Distribution
If you are 72 or over and already taking distributions from your IRA, you can make a donation to SASH directly from your IRA using a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD. A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA Custodian, payable to a qualified charity. SASH is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit, and therefore should be considered a qualified charity for this purpose. A QCD can be counted toward satisfying your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) but is not counted for your taxable income. Please consult your tax advisor or IRA Custodian to find out more.
Become a member
SASH has a long tradition of culture, community participation, and the best gatherings! As a member your dues contribute to operating cost and the scholarship. Membership pays for itself for active members, as our non-free events are generally $10 less for a member and one guest (a savings of $20 per event). See our membership page.
Use Amazon Smile
When you shop Amazon through, AmazonSmile donates to SASH at no cost to you!
Our mission at SASH is to support education, Scottish heritage, and cooperation of the Celtic community. We usually need help with planning, logistics, and running of events. Feel free to pitch in or suggest new events. We’re open to ideas and would love ideas from our members. Send us an email or speak to a board member!
““Time and tide for nae man bide” ”